365 Days of SUPERMAN

Site Intro

Between March 9, 2021 and March 9, 2022, I maintained a Twitter account dedicated to posts about SUPERMAN, the 1978 movie starring Christopher Reeve. I posted multiple tweets a day, every day, for 365 consecutive days.

I discussed the movie in all its facts, figures, controversies, metaphysics, and behind-the-scenes trivia. The longer it went on, the further reaching the ideas had to become. This website presents an archive of these posts in their entirety.

If you're wondering why anyone would do such a thing, I'm not actually sure. It seems eccentric at best.

I know part of it was Sean T. Collins, who maintained a daily blog for an entire year about the movie Road House. (Since compiled into a book called Pain Don't Hurt.) I remember asking myself, if I were to try something similar, what would it be? Which movie could I write about with that kind of confidence? And one that hasn't already been exhaustively strip-mined for commentary?

I first saw it when I was three years old. I've seen it enough times since then to have it more or less committed to memory. The answer was obviously SUPERMAN.

I succeeded in my project. I tweeted 982 times, over the course of 365 days, covered 34 topics, for a grand total of 45,469 words, all about this one movie. I learned more about SUPERMAN than anyone rightly needs to know. And I ended up deleting the whole thing.

Anyone familiar with the situation at that time can probably make some educated guesses as to why. Let's just say Twitter never was the healthiest online space, but, in late 2022, it was getting especially foul.

Fortunately, I saved everything I wrote. Most of it, I stand by. On some of it, my perspective has evolved. Here, I present all of it, unabridged and (mostly) without revision. Make your own judgments.

     - Ken, 2/27/2024

A Little About Me

I am neither a film critic, nor any sort of professional whatever. I'm just a guy who likes movies, likes writing about them, and knows an unusual amount of information about this one.

Ironically, I'm not a fan of superhero movies. They're too expensive, badly made, and lacking in artistry. Please don't misread my endorsement of SUPERMAN as a greater interest in the genre. You might as well try to talk to me about the stock market, or (ugh) sports.

When I'm not microblogging about decades-old pop culture artifacts, I like to cook, read, draw, and make music. The instrument I can play with some authority is the guitar. I've been playing for about 23 years now. I've been in four bands and played on four albums, plus assorted other music recordings.

I also draw a webcomic called The World On A String. (Slowly being archived here.) Aside from that, I periodically post videos about the guitar to my Instagram page.

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Published 3/9/2024

"365 Days of SUPERMAN"
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© 2024 Ken Alleman.